Google Cloud Platform
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Google Cloud Platform Services Company?

In the same way that Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are public cloud vendors, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is as well. Customers can utilize GCP and other cloud suppliers to use computer resources located in Google's data centres worldwide for free or on a pay-per-use basis, depending on their needs.

Cloud computing services from Google include cloud cost management to data management, web and video delivery via the Internet, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities

Google Cloud is a collection of services accessible over the Internet and may assist enterprises in their digital transformation. It is important to note that Google Cloud Platform (which provides public cloud infrastructure for hosting web-based applications and is the subject of this blog post) is a subset of the larger Google Cloud.

Services include Google cloud


  • Virtual Machines, Disks, and the Network: Compute Engine is an IaaS service that uses Google's infrastructure to host virtual machines (VMs).
  • Google's App Engine [Managed Application Platform]. Container instances preloaded with many different runtimes, each of which includes a set of standard App Engine libraries, are used to develop web apps and mobile backends.

Storage and Databases

  • Cloud Storage [Object & File Storage and Serving] is a data storage and retrieval service provided through the Internet. The service provides a single object storage platform with various storage choices, including geo-redundant storage (low-latency, high QPS content serving users distributed across geographic regions). Cloud SQL [Managed MySQL] is a service that allows you to run SQL queries in the cloud. A MySQL database service that is fully managed and can host relational MySQL databases on Google's infrastructure.
  • HBase-compatible NoSQL with a large table A high-performance NoSQL Big Data database service designed to handle extremely massive workloads while maintaining consistently low latency and high throughput rates.

Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning in the Cloud [TensorFlow Machine Learning] A managed service for creating TensorFlow-based machine learning models.
  • Images may be recognized and categorized using the Cloud Vision API. The ability to categorize photographs via a REST API, identify distinct objects and faces in images, as well as search for and read written text in pictures
  • API for Cloud Speech (Speech to Text Conversion) Audio to text conversion is now possible through a REST API. The API supports over 80 languages and dialects.


  • Software-defined network for the Google Cloud Routes, firewalls, and a Virtual Private Network are all part of this collection of Google-managed networking features (VPN)
  • Multi-regional Load Distribution in the Cloud Cloud computing services in a single or several locations may be load-balanced and auto-scaled using a single anycast IP
  • Caching HTTP(S) load-balanced material close to the user's location is the goal of Google's Cloud CDN [Content Delivery Network].
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